After passing the musician test, I was decided to take dance lessons.
As a musician playing shamisen and singing songs,
I seldom had chance to dance for clients.
But, since I used to grow up being a dancer,
I love to dance...
The other day, I had a chance to work with another musician.
She is also a good dancer, too.
I asked her to play and sing for me for a piece.
She successfully played a piece for me with my shamisen,
and after my performance, I played shamisen for her dance.
So that was my only chane so far dancing during the job as a geisha.
However, I was asked to dance with other geishas in August,
at Kokuritsu Theater.
I had been declining--mainly because it cost a one but herself sponcers for
all the expenses when we dance on stage.
But finally, I made up my mind to join them after consulting my Okiya mother.
She encouraged me to dance if it was my wish to do so.
Among the 6 members, 3 of them including me have Fujima school name (natori),
teaching dance to other younger geisha girls.
I also started teaching dance to my okiya members when they asked me to.
I was happy about it, and when I told several clients that
I was going to dance in Kokuritsu Theater in summer,
they requested me to send them tickets...
even before I hardly started dance lessons for the performance.
I will going to take dance test at the end of this month.
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